From our face holes to your ear holes.

When we were younger, my brother and I decided that we were going to make websites and content about the things that mattered to us. This worked for about a week, until we both realized that it took too much time and effort, so we gave up and went on to do other weird things that no one will hopefully ever know about, But now we have reached a new era, an era of vaguely looming adulthood, where we are both comfortable enough in our daily lives to devote a few hours every week to making people ( but mostly ourselves) laugh at fart jokes and the inconsistencies of 'The Matrix'. Join us as we go down this weird pop-culture infused rabbit hole, won't you?

Brendan and Jeremy O'Connell as children with their mother "Mama Krabs" and their dad, who didn't have a nickname because he was already to cool for one. You can tell by that mustache. 

Jeremy O'Connell
Brendan O'Connell
Miah Pyland
Amreen Ukani
Julie O'Connell